Qualitative market research in Belgium and The Netherlands

  • Online and face-to-face research
  • Individual interviews and focus groeps
  • 25+ year experience
  • Specialised in in-depth motivational research

Your needs:

  • Sharpening your marketing strategy
  • (re) Positioning of brands
  • Testing communication or websites
  • Getting inspiration and feedback for innovation and concept development
  • Deepening or adjusting customer satisfaction
  • Exploring new markets

How I like to work with my customers:

  • You have my full attention and commitment. I personally carry out your project from A to Z.
  • I take the time to explore, deepen or sharpen your questions and needs
  • You will receive clearly written reports. Depending on your wishes, short and summarizing , or deepened out and detailed. If desired, also supplemented with video material from the interviews or group conversations.
  • I pursue the following values: depth, transparency, personal connection and authenticity.

Workshop Identity compass for your brand or organisation

More clarity about the Identity of your brand or organization leads to:

  • Sharp(er) positioning on the market due to a clear and coherent face.
  • Stronger focus on the target group(s) (and letting go of non-target groups)
  • Clear direction and agreement for communication and innovation;
  • Less internal, energy consuming discussions about strategy and actions
  • A basis for further organizational development. Because 'Identity' goes beyond brands and marketing!


  • A workshop with your marketing and/or management team
  • Guidance in every step of the process (preparation, workshop and aftercare)
  • The output of the workshop is the Identity Compass of your organization: a compact, clear document with the six elements of Identity: Reason to exist, vision, mission and promise, values, strengths and ambitions. The Identity Compass is the guiding principle for any action for your brand or organization
  • Your workshop is tailor-made based on your question, needs and possibilities.

    Over the last years, I created an Identity compass for organizations in different areas: consumer products, the agricultural sector, healthcare, non-profit and food industry


For market researchers:

  • Training in interview techniques and focus groups.
  • Reporting techniques
  • Workshops on the assembly, usage, and interpretation of photo sorts.

    For marketeers
  • Understanding the world of the consumer/patient; effective communicating

Human intelligence remains essential. Only when we fully understand the people behind the numbers , we can offer our best service.

In the second half of the 1990s, I was the first to introduce interview training for researchers in The Netherlands. I have trained in nearly all medium and large research agencies in the country.

My training goes beyond the ‘technique’ of effective interviewing; I also emphasize the mindset and mood of the interviewer, as these are crucial for creating the right atmosphere and flow, and guaranteeing the best outcome of discussions.


For in-depth, enriching and connecting marketing.

Balance in Business originated in 1998 from the motivation to add depth, clarity, focus and authenticity to your marketing and communication

My background in a nutshell:

  • Educated as a sociologist and psychologist
  • Trained in market research at Censydiam, founded by the late Jan Callebaut and Hendrik Hendriks. I learned not to be satisfied with superficial answers, but to strive for a deep understanding of people's needs and behaviours.
  • Living nowadays in Belgium (Antwerp): lived and worked in the past in the Netherlands. I understand better than anyone the sometimes subtle cultural differences between the two countries. This often comes in handy for research for Dutch brands in Belgium (or vice versa)

And in the personal field: meditating as a tool for transforming has been a focus and support in my life since 25 years. Curious what this means? I give lectures and trainings in organizations about tools for human transformation.

More information can be found at www.greetdom.be (Dutch only)

Contact me for a personal talk